Real parents, real stories

Madison, Riley and Kinsley Miller
Madison Miller is a mom of two from San Diego. She met with Dr. Theresa Jacobs to discuss the importance of introduction how she introduced peanuts to her daughter Riley and how she plans to introduce them to her second daughter, Kinsley.
Amanda, Dane and Evie NewSan
Amanda and Dane NewSan are dancers and studio owners in California. They met with Dr. Kathleen Wilson to talk about early introduction methods and share their first time introducing peanuts to their daughter Evie.
Ellen, Jordan, Parker and Hays McCarley
Ellen McCarley is a litigator turned stay-at-home mom who lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and two sons: Parker and Hays. Parker’s peanut allergy has led her to try and prevent the same from developing for Hays. Watch Ellen tell her story and share her experience with introducing peanut foods to her infant.