
91 news
Fight Hunger with Powerful Nutrition

Discover how the nutritional potency of peanuts contributes to fighting hunger and malnutrition.

Sep 1, 2023
Is Peanut Butter Good For You?

Understand what's in your peanut butter! Learn how to decode labels with this quick guide from the N...

Jun 2, 2023
Making School Breakfast Cool (and Safer): Adopting Top Trends & Managing Food Allergens

Explore trends in managing food allergens for a safer and cooler school breakfast experience.

Sep 1, 2023
All About Heart Health

Learn about the connection between heart health and nutrition, and how peanuts can support your hear...

Sep 1, 2023
Any Exercise is Better Than Nothing: The Power of a Little Movement

Explore the power of even small amounts of exercise, according to new guidelines. Learn how any move...

Sep 1, 2023
Partners in Peanut Butter: Natural and Conventional

The options for peanut butter on the market are vast, but many people wonder what the difference is ...

Jul 3, 2024
Why You Don’t Need to Fear Sugar

Fear-mongering messages around sugar abound. Truthfully, it is not that simple – cutting out one ing...

Nov 28, 2023
Hit Your Health Reset Button for the New Year

After indulging in food and drink over the December holidays, the New Year is an opportunity to hit ...

Nov 28, 2023
Why Fried Turkey Isn’t a Calorie Bomb

While you’ll rarely find a registered dietitian advocating for fried foods, there are actually some ...

Nov 21, 2023
5 Self-Care Tips to Avoid Holiday Burn-Out

Here are some ways to keep yourself healthy, mentally and phsyically, during the holidays.

Nov 21, 2023